Aged Beef Striploin Steak
20 min Preparation
15 min Cooking
4 Portions

Balsamic-aged steak pairs perfectly with gremolata and the salty taste of halloumi cheese in this crispy bistro-style sandwich recipe! The good news is that halloumi cheese also grills well on the BBQ, making it the perfect topping for this sandwich.


  • 2 Fontaine Family aged beef strip steaks
  • 1 French baguette, cut in half and sliced lengthwise
  • 8 slices halloumi cheese, cut into 1/4-inch thick pieces


  • 30 ml (2 tbsp.) balsamic vinegar
  • 15 ml (1 tbsp.) Worcestershire sauce
  • 60 ml (1/4 cup) extra virgin olive oil 

  • 2.5 ml (1/2 tsp.) Dijon mustard
  • 1.25 ml (1/4 teaspoon) garlic powder
  • 2.5 ml (1/2 tsp.) coarse salt and freshly ground pepper


  • ½ bunch flat-leaf parsley, coarsely chopped
  • 15 ml (1 tbsp.) French shallot, minced
  • Grated zest of 1 lemon
  • 30 ml (2 tbsp.) olive oil
  • Fleur de sel and pepper


  • 10 ml (2 tsp.) Dijon mustard
  • 5 ml (1 tsp.) mayonnaise
  • 1.25 ml (1/4 tsp.) horseradish


  1. In a food processor, add all Gremolata ingredients. Pulse to obtain a coarse texture. Set aside.
  2. Rinse halloumi in cold water and dry with paper towel.
  3. In a medium bowl, combine marinade ingredients.
  4. Place steaks and halloumi in a large freezer bag. Pour marinade over steaks and cheese, seal bag and shake to coat. Chill in refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  5. Preheat barbecue to high heat and oil the grates.
  6. Remove steaks and cheese from bag and remove excess marinade. Grill steaks on both sides for 4 to 5 minutes to desired doneness. Place steaks on a plate, cover with aluminum foil and let stand for 5 minutes.
  7. Meanwhile, grill halloumi for 1 minute on each side.
  8. Drizzle the inside of the baguette halves with a little olive oil. Place each half on the grill with the crust side up and cook for 2 to 3 minutes, until lightly toasted.
  9. Slice steaks thinly.
  10. Spread mustard, mayonnaise and horseradish on toasted baguette halves.
  11. Top sandwich with steak slices and half the Gremolata.
  12. Add grilled halloumi slices and top with remaining Gremolata. Cover with half of the top baguette, dividing the sandwich into four.

Side dishes

Tips and Tricks

To prevent the halloumi cheese from sticking to the grill, brush well with vegetable oil before grilling.

© Famille Fontaine 2024